Vegan Burgers

with vegetable-based "meat"balls which are tons better than soy based ones, in my opinion. Two buns with poppy seeds and one with sesame filled with pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup and vegan cheese.

Pistachios, Chocolate Wafers, Persimmons

Roasted and slated pistachios are amongst my favorite nuts next to cashews. I emptied an entire 300 grams bag in that bowl and every single one of the pistachios was easy to open, which, is not always the case. In previous bags, I encountered quite a few nuts still fully enclosed in their shells and, believe me, they are not easily cracked.

Vegetable Fried Rice

A wonderfully healthy, easy to eat meal with red and green peppers, tomato cubes, carrots and onions. I would have added peas and corn, as well, but I didn't find any more in the freezer.